National Conference is nothing but secularized version of the Muslim Conference founded after 1931 killing of Muslims outside the Central jail of Srinagar. It was Pandit Prem-Nath-Bazaz, a young energetic Kashmiri pandit radical who motivated Sheikh Abdullah(1905-1982) to transform Muslim Conference into National Conference. Through this change Sheikh wanted to create an atmosphere conducive to participation of non-Muslims in Kashmir Struggle against an autocratic dynasty. Soon after the creation of National Conference relations between Sheikh Abdullah and Prem Nath Bazaz got strained on account of their personal feud relating to ownership of daily Hamdard. Prem Nath Bazaz left National Conference. National conference lost an ideologue. Sheikh Abdullah had no ideological orientation. A vacuum of intellect was created within the party. In due course of time this vacuum was filled up by Maulana Masoodi a supporter of Congress. Masoodi was a devout follower of Nationalist School of Ulema led by Maulana Azad and Hussain Ahmad Madni. Emergence of Moulana Masoodi as the sole ideologue of the National Conference had profound impact upon the intellectual orientation of the party. In 1947 the party overlooking religious and geographical factors supported the accession of Kashmir to India. The original motive of ‘taking along the non Muslims as well’ was substituted by a different motto of transforming National Conference into a local version of Indian National Congress and going along with non-Muslims even against the interest of Muslims. In spite of being outside the party Prem Nath Bazaz condemned this line of action as unnatural. He was for an independent Kashmir or its annexation to Pakistan.
After 1947 when National Conference was given power as a reward for facilitating accession of the state with India, its rule was in no way different from the autocratic dynastic rule of the Maharaja. National Conference patronized genocide and ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Jammu region simply because they happened to be supporters of Muslim Conference. In Kashmir valley National Conference made it a point to expel every genius person. Muslim intellectuals had to proceed beyond the cease fire line whereas people like P.N. Bazaz were banished to New Delhi. Seventy three out of seventy five members of the Legislative Assembly were “elected” unopposed in 1952. The economic policies of the state which previously were tilted in favour of ruling Kashmiri Pandit elite were now oriented towards the economic elevation of Kashmiri masses. Land reforms were high point of this policy. Kashmiri Pandits did not digest these changes. They conspired against Sheikh which led to his imprisonment. National Conference was hijacked along with its government by Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad. Sheikh created a new party Mahizi-rai-Shumari. He merely used it as trump card for bargaining with India. In 1964 rank and file of the Sarkari National Conference joined the Indian National Congress once it was initiated in the state by G.M. Sadiq. Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad tried to revive National Conference to improve his sinking political fortunes. The party did not revive. It remained a one-man show like present day Awami National Conference of G.M. Shah. After 1975 when S. Abdullah after his compromise with Indira Gandhi dismantled the Mahazi-rai-Shuamri its rank and file joined the National Conference which was organized by the Sheikh. The party after assuming power revived its autocratic pattern of functioning.
The society however had undergone a change. Bread and butter was no more its sole concern. It wanted to share power. National Conference stood for concentration of power. Besides facing its traditional rivals in Srinagar, National Conference had to deal with new opponents in the countryside. Sheikh did assume power through a scandalous compromise but he had to have some sleepless nights to maintain it. Battle lines were drawn in 1975 itself when Sheikh Abdullah feeling offended by a challenge thrown to it by Jamat-e-Islami in Ganderbal and Quazigund decided to ban the organization and closed down its schools. In 1977 National Conference government introduced NCERT syllabus in schools. Local history Arabic and Persian were banished from the curriculum. The graph of National Conference credibility receded further because Indian government did not fulfill the promises made to Sheikh prior to his assumption of power. Abandoning of Mirza Afzal Beigh for Farooq Abdullah Sheikh’s son, alienated people from southern parts of the valley. By the time of Sheikh Abdullah’s death National Conference was an exhausted force. It did manage to win an election soon after the death of Sheikh Abdullah on the basis of sympathy. Subsequent elections however, did not prove to be a cakewalk for it. Farooq Abdullah did not prove his worth as an administrator. His play boy like life style compounded his problems. National Conference started to manipulate election results. Those who resisted their tactics were harassed. The policy however did not work. On the contrary it proved to be counter productive. Masses not only got alienated from the party but also from India. The climax of this process was seen in 1987 elections. Rigging of these elections led to evaporation of any illusions that were left. The youth who had worked for the election campaign of the Muslim United Front resorted to armed struggle as a result of desperation. Eruption of militancy cost National Conference heavily. Hundreds of its workers were killed. Those who remained alive abandoned it.
Its leaders left the valley. They remained in Delhi and abroad to defame the freedom movement of Kashmir. Both Farooq Abdullah and his son Umar Abdullah proceeded to United Nations to defend Indian position on Kashmir. Sheikh family thus achieved the distinction of pleading Indian case before the International Community for three generations. What Sheikh Abdullah did in 1948, same was done by his progeny thus creating impediments for the mass movement.
In 1996 the party was again brought to power through manipulated election. Central government was eager to give a de jure cover of civilian administration to a de facto military rule. The governor rule was attracting harsh criticism from abroad for its horrifying human rights violations. They needed a show boy to blunt this criticism. Farooq willingly assumed this role. For him now Delhi and not the people of Kashmir remained source of power. Farooq Abdullah was the only Chief Minister who accompanied Atal Bihari Vajpayee to Pokhran after the Indian Nuclear Tests. National Conference abdicated all the powers of state relating to law and order in favour of unified command thus giving a free hand to a reign of terror and tyranny. National Conference did pass a resolution for Autonomy but was never serious about it. Once National Conference outlived its utility for centre, it was thrown out of power like a used condom.
Ideological bankruptcy has been a source of sustenance for the National Conference since its inception. Because of this the party is always ready to share bed with anyone who can help it to remain in power. Although fatal for its existence, National Conference is not ready to change this pattern of its politics. It has been changing allies irrespective of their ideological identity. It is not ready even to respond to voices of dissent against such unholy alliances even from its own saner elements. Previously the National Conference managed to live with this luxury because of marketing potential of Sheikh Abdullah. He could sell any thing to the masses who had benefited from his land reforms. Kashmiri people now after achieving a degree of economic elevation are determined to secure political emancipation. Their capacity of understanding politics has developed to the extent that they can not be taken forgranted by any even a reincarnate Sheikh Abdullah. Getting an edge in a debate where wrong man was pleading a right cause should not inflate the leaders of National Conference.
After 1947 when National Conference was given power as a reward for facilitating accession of the state with India, its rule was in no way different from the autocratic dynastic rule of the Maharaja. National Conference patronized genocide and ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Jammu region simply because they happened to be supporters of Muslim Conference. In Kashmir valley National Conference made it a point to expel every genius person. Muslim intellectuals had to proceed beyond the cease fire line whereas people like P.N. Bazaz were banished to New Delhi. Seventy three out of seventy five members of the Legislative Assembly were “elected” unopposed in 1952. The economic policies of the state which previously were tilted in favour of ruling Kashmiri Pandit elite were now oriented towards the economic elevation of Kashmiri masses. Land reforms were high point of this policy. Kashmiri Pandits did not digest these changes. They conspired against Sheikh which led to his imprisonment. National Conference was hijacked along with its government by Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad. Sheikh created a new party Mahizi-rai-Shumari. He merely used it as trump card for bargaining with India. In 1964 rank and file of the Sarkari National Conference joined the Indian National Congress once it was initiated in the state by G.M. Sadiq. Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad tried to revive National Conference to improve his sinking political fortunes. The party did not revive. It remained a one-man show like present day Awami National Conference of G.M. Shah. After 1975 when S. Abdullah after his compromise with Indira Gandhi dismantled the Mahazi-rai-Shuamri its rank and file joined the National Conference which was organized by the Sheikh. The party after assuming power revived its autocratic pattern of functioning.
The society however had undergone a change. Bread and butter was no more its sole concern. It wanted to share power. National Conference stood for concentration of power. Besides facing its traditional rivals in Srinagar, National Conference had to deal with new opponents in the countryside. Sheikh did assume power through a scandalous compromise but he had to have some sleepless nights to maintain it. Battle lines were drawn in 1975 itself when Sheikh Abdullah feeling offended by a challenge thrown to it by Jamat-e-Islami in Ganderbal and Quazigund decided to ban the organization and closed down its schools. In 1977 National Conference government introduced NCERT syllabus in schools. Local history Arabic and Persian were banished from the curriculum. The graph of National Conference credibility receded further because Indian government did not fulfill the promises made to Sheikh prior to his assumption of power. Abandoning of Mirza Afzal Beigh for Farooq Abdullah Sheikh’s son, alienated people from southern parts of the valley. By the time of Sheikh Abdullah’s death National Conference was an exhausted force. It did manage to win an election soon after the death of Sheikh Abdullah on the basis of sympathy. Subsequent elections however, did not prove to be a cakewalk for it. Farooq Abdullah did not prove his worth as an administrator. His play boy like life style compounded his problems. National Conference started to manipulate election results. Those who resisted their tactics were harassed. The policy however did not work. On the contrary it proved to be counter productive. Masses not only got alienated from the party but also from India. The climax of this process was seen in 1987 elections. Rigging of these elections led to evaporation of any illusions that were left. The youth who had worked for the election campaign of the Muslim United Front resorted to armed struggle as a result of desperation. Eruption of militancy cost National Conference heavily. Hundreds of its workers were killed. Those who remained alive abandoned it.
Its leaders left the valley. They remained in Delhi and abroad to defame the freedom movement of Kashmir. Both Farooq Abdullah and his son Umar Abdullah proceeded to United Nations to defend Indian position on Kashmir. Sheikh family thus achieved the distinction of pleading Indian case before the International Community for three generations. What Sheikh Abdullah did in 1948, same was done by his progeny thus creating impediments for the mass movement.
In 1996 the party was again brought to power through manipulated election. Central government was eager to give a de jure cover of civilian administration to a de facto military rule. The governor rule was attracting harsh criticism from abroad for its horrifying human rights violations. They needed a show boy to blunt this criticism. Farooq willingly assumed this role. For him now Delhi and not the people of Kashmir remained source of power. Farooq Abdullah was the only Chief Minister who accompanied Atal Bihari Vajpayee to Pokhran after the Indian Nuclear Tests. National Conference abdicated all the powers of state relating to law and order in favour of unified command thus giving a free hand to a reign of terror and tyranny. National Conference did pass a resolution for Autonomy but was never serious about it. Once National Conference outlived its utility for centre, it was thrown out of power like a used condom.
Ideological bankruptcy has been a source of sustenance for the National Conference since its inception. Because of this the party is always ready to share bed with anyone who can help it to remain in power. Although fatal for its existence, National Conference is not ready to change this pattern of its politics. It has been changing allies irrespective of their ideological identity. It is not ready even to respond to voices of dissent against such unholy alliances even from its own saner elements. Previously the National Conference managed to live with this luxury because of marketing potential of Sheikh Abdullah. He could sell any thing to the masses who had benefited from his land reforms. Kashmiri people now after achieving a degree of economic elevation are determined to secure political emancipation. Their capacity of understanding politics has developed to the extent that they can not be taken forgranted by any even a reincarnate Sheikh Abdullah. Getting an edge in a debate where wrong man was pleading a right cause should not inflate the leaders of National Conference.
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