Pandit Prem Nath Bazaz in his book 'Kashmir in Crucible' writes, "In 13th century one Rajadeva (1213-1236 AD) became the ruler of the valley. His hobby was to oppress the scholarly Pandits, vanguard of the progressive intellectuals. By cruel torture and indiscriminate plunder the King reduced the Pandits to such a pitiable plight that every member of the community when seized was heard according to Jona Raja, to pathetically plead 'I am not a Bhatta, I am not a Bhatta' Bhatta in Kashmiri means Pandit.
One wonders why a King should oppress Kashmiri Pandits during what is commonly perceived to be Hindu period of Kashmir history. This clearly shows that Pandits ( bhattas ) remained altogether a distinct group, different from ordinary Kashmiris even during the pre Islamic period of Kashmir history. Same explanation can help us to understand malech like behaviour of son of Lalita Dattya (697-738) and devastation of temples by the King Harshadev ( 1089-1101). Resistance of Kashmiris to Brahmanism didn’t remain confined to Kashmir. It became a symbol of resistance and had its impact in areas as far away as Tamil Nadu. Siddhas of Tamil Nadu who revolted against Brahmincal order in 7th century A.D attribute their origin to Kashmir . These historical facts provoke us for a reappraisal of Kashmir history and that is what I intend to trigger through this write up.
When Aryans came to India they came across different tribes of aborigines. There were some who submitted to the incoming invaders willingly. They opted traits of the Aryans and became their allies. Hanuman, his progeny and his tribe were among this group of natives. They achieved the distinction of being called Wanar-Jati on account of these aping attributes and not because they were monkeys in literal sense of the term. Besides these, there were others who confronted the invaders and were given titles in accordance with their aggressive qualities. They were named as Pschachas ( Demons), Nagas (snakes) etc. Kashmir along with whole of north west India was among the places where Aryans had to confront tough people .They were Nagas and Pschachas( snakes and demons). These people did not submit to the Aryan invaders easily. In fact Aryan's were given refuge by these aborigines . Later on the Aryans some how managed to dominate the natives and relegate them to an inferior status. Caste-system was simply aimed at institutionalizing the subjugation of these aborigines. In order to erase the memories of past from their minds, Bhraman's projected that none among the aborigines survived after a particular point of time. The lower castes were projected as different Varnas of the Araya- Samaj . Consistent popularity of the native non aryan god Shiva and dragon worship in Jammu and Kashmir is sufficient to contradict the extinction theory propounded by Aryans. In fact the natives on the other hand tried to get out of this varna system. Mass conversion of the people of Kashmir and Gandhara region to Buddhism was a symbol of the native resistance to Aryans and their caste system . When the Buddhism lost its worth as a tool of resistance to caste system due to perversions introduced into it by some Brahman converts, Kashmiri's did not lose heart. They continued to resist. The famous King of Kashmir Lalita Dattya (697-738) was a Naga by origin. He launched a continuous crusade against Indian rulers and made Aryan Hindus to wear north Indian version of dothi with a tail like extension so as to resemble animals . Sudden and mysterious death of Lalta Dattiya created an avenue for revival of Bhamanical domination which reached its climax during the period of Awanti Verman. This domination didn’t last long and revulsion against it again surfaced in Kashmiri society. Inorder to identify himself with this mass revulsion Harshdev ( 1089-1101) though a Bhraman by caste devastated almost every significant temple in Kashmir. During his rule the idols from temples used to be dragged in streets and filth showered upon them . There are reports which suggest that idols of Shiva and Buddha were exempted from this treatment. Ascendance of Rinchan (1324-1326) a Buddist Prince from Tibet to the throne of Kashmir should also be seen as an attempt of natives to stop revival of Hinduism in Kashmir. Without the help of natives, it would have been impossible for a migrant Buddhist prince to dominate Kashmir. Another indicator of his popularity is the fact that Kashmiris converted to Islam soon after his conversion to this religion. Brahmans from the Aryan stock who even at that time were tools and beneficiaries of the status quo didn't convert. In spite of living for centuries among locals Pandits remained an alienated lot. Even now their ladies are unfamiliar with the folk songs of Kashmir.
Unlike Buddhism, Islam proved to be a potent weapon against the domination of Brahman Aryans. Being strictly monotheistic, it was not vulnerable to perversions. For the first time in their history , Brahmans lost control over aborigines in the realm of religion. Islam made the natives too vocal to be coerced into submission. The breeze of salvation however, lost its intensity when during the reign of Budshah Sultan Zanul-Abaidin (1420-1470) Pandits managed to regain control over the administration. The endowments of different temples were restored to them . Since the endowments were disproportionate to the remaining population of Hindus, it was easy for Brahmans to convert them into their personal properties. The reign of Sultan Zanul-Abaidin in Kashmir was thus associated with transformation of Brahmans from a priest class to a feudal class. Brahmans who until now survived on the doles and presents of their followers overnight became landlords. Since they were administrators and land lords at the same time they managed to continue their status during whole of the Muslim period. This includes even the rule of Afghans (1750-1819) which has been maligned out of proportion. In fact some Kashmiri Pandits rose to the position of Dewan during this period and coins with inscription of their names were circulated in their honour . During the Sikh and Dogra period (1819-1947), taking advantage of Sikh enmity towards Muslims, Pandits became ruthless exploiters. Muslims were deprived of whatever land holdings they possessed and relegated to the status of tillers of the land. Endowments of their religious places were confiscated and some mosques including Jama Masjid converted into godown. Harshness of the exploitative system was enhanced through money lending. Money lending was favourable business of those Brahmans who were out of the government services. Poor peasants used to borrow money at high rates of interest. They were unable to get out of the debt trap throughout their life and would often end up with their properties confiscated for the debts they incurred.
Accession of Kashmir to India in 1947 was a result of manipulations of Kashmiri Pandits .On account of geographical proximity and religious complexion of its society, Kashmir should not have joined India. Maharaja Hari Singh (1927-1947) and some sensible Hindus were inclined towards the same direction. Even Gandhi in early thirties had predicted that on account of its Muslim majority and Central Asian Culture, Kashmir is destined to become a Muslim state . Kashmiri Pandits who dominated higher echelons of bureaucracy sabotaged all prospects of Kashmir opting anything other than accession to India. They manipulated removal of Ram Chandra Kak from the position of Prime Minister ship of the state. They invoked the attachment of Pandit Nehru (1889-1964) to the land of his ancestors. They took advantage of short sightedness of Shiekh Abdulah (1905-1982) and secured accession of Kashmir to India. Even after this scandalous accession Pandits did not allow Kashmiri Muslims to settle in India with peace and dignity. They became self proclaimed defenders of India among Kashmiri Muslims who were projected and treated as a fifth column with loyalties for Pakistan.
As soon as Shiekh Abdulah (1905-1982) enacted the land reforms they conspired against him and got him dismissed from the Prime Minister ship. The architect of Kashmir’s accession to India was jailed for years. Dismissal of Shiekh Abdulah (1905-1982) and his imprisonment alienated Kashmiri's. This alienation not only cost India dare but also ruined the prospects of Pandit hegemony in Kashmir. A process of social transformation could not be contained through Machiavellian tactics. Masses of the valley continued their march towards emancipation. Once their march was stopped they resorted to violence to remove the impediments. India instead of responding to their genuine grievances tried to suppress them through use of force. Blatant use of force didn't succeed in curbing the movement and it continues to become stronger with every passing day. Current revolt in Kashmir is nothing but culmination of an age old struggle of natives against their traditional exploiters. The only new dimension that has been added to this age old conflict is that Indian state has come to the rescue of the status quo.
One wonders why a King should oppress Kashmiri Pandits during what is commonly perceived to be Hindu period of Kashmir history. This clearly shows that Pandits ( bhattas ) remained altogether a distinct group, different from ordinary Kashmiris even during the pre Islamic period of Kashmir history. Same explanation can help us to understand malech like behaviour of son of Lalita Dattya (697-738) and devastation of temples by the King Harshadev ( 1089-1101). Resistance of Kashmiris to Brahmanism didn’t remain confined to Kashmir. It became a symbol of resistance and had its impact in areas as far away as Tamil Nadu. Siddhas of Tamil Nadu who revolted against Brahmincal order in 7th century A.D attribute their origin to Kashmir . These historical facts provoke us for a reappraisal of Kashmir history and that is what I intend to trigger through this write up.
When Aryans came to India they came across different tribes of aborigines. There were some who submitted to the incoming invaders willingly. They opted traits of the Aryans and became their allies. Hanuman, his progeny and his tribe were among this group of natives. They achieved the distinction of being called Wanar-Jati on account of these aping attributes and not because they were monkeys in literal sense of the term. Besides these, there were others who confronted the invaders and were given titles in accordance with their aggressive qualities. They were named as Pschachas ( Demons), Nagas (snakes) etc. Kashmir along with whole of north west India was among the places where Aryans had to confront tough people .They were Nagas and Pschachas( snakes and demons). These people did not submit to the Aryan invaders easily. In fact Aryan's were given refuge by these aborigines . Later on the Aryans some how managed to dominate the natives and relegate them to an inferior status. Caste-system was simply aimed at institutionalizing the subjugation of these aborigines. In order to erase the memories of past from their minds, Bhraman's projected that none among the aborigines survived after a particular point of time. The lower castes were projected as different Varnas of the Araya- Samaj . Consistent popularity of the native non aryan god Shiva and dragon worship in Jammu and Kashmir is sufficient to contradict the extinction theory propounded by Aryans. In fact the natives on the other hand tried to get out of this varna system. Mass conversion of the people of Kashmir and Gandhara region to Buddhism was a symbol of the native resistance to Aryans and their caste system . When the Buddhism lost its worth as a tool of resistance to caste system due to perversions introduced into it by some Brahman converts, Kashmiri's did not lose heart. They continued to resist. The famous King of Kashmir Lalita Dattya (697-738) was a Naga by origin. He launched a continuous crusade against Indian rulers and made Aryan Hindus to wear north Indian version of dothi with a tail like extension so as to resemble animals . Sudden and mysterious death of Lalta Dattiya created an avenue for revival of Bhamanical domination which reached its climax during the period of Awanti Verman. This domination didn’t last long and revulsion against it again surfaced in Kashmiri society. Inorder to identify himself with this mass revulsion Harshdev ( 1089-1101) though a Bhraman by caste devastated almost every significant temple in Kashmir. During his rule the idols from temples used to be dragged in streets and filth showered upon them . There are reports which suggest that idols of Shiva and Buddha were exempted from this treatment. Ascendance of Rinchan (1324-1326) a Buddist Prince from Tibet to the throne of Kashmir should also be seen as an attempt of natives to stop revival of Hinduism in Kashmir. Without the help of natives, it would have been impossible for a migrant Buddhist prince to dominate Kashmir. Another indicator of his popularity is the fact that Kashmiris converted to Islam soon after his conversion to this religion. Brahmans from the Aryan stock who even at that time were tools and beneficiaries of the status quo didn't convert. In spite of living for centuries among locals Pandits remained an alienated lot. Even now their ladies are unfamiliar with the folk songs of Kashmir.
Unlike Buddhism, Islam proved to be a potent weapon against the domination of Brahman Aryans. Being strictly monotheistic, it was not vulnerable to perversions. For the first time in their history , Brahmans lost control over aborigines in the realm of religion. Islam made the natives too vocal to be coerced into submission. The breeze of salvation however, lost its intensity when during the reign of Budshah Sultan Zanul-Abaidin (1420-1470) Pandits managed to regain control over the administration. The endowments of different temples were restored to them . Since the endowments were disproportionate to the remaining population of Hindus, it was easy for Brahmans to convert them into their personal properties. The reign of Sultan Zanul-Abaidin in Kashmir was thus associated with transformation of Brahmans from a priest class to a feudal class. Brahmans who until now survived on the doles and presents of their followers overnight became landlords. Since they were administrators and land lords at the same time they managed to continue their status during whole of the Muslim period. This includes even the rule of Afghans (1750-1819) which has been maligned out of proportion. In fact some Kashmiri Pandits rose to the position of Dewan during this period and coins with inscription of their names were circulated in their honour . During the Sikh and Dogra period (1819-1947), taking advantage of Sikh enmity towards Muslims, Pandits became ruthless exploiters. Muslims were deprived of whatever land holdings they possessed and relegated to the status of tillers of the land. Endowments of their religious places were confiscated and some mosques including Jama Masjid converted into godown. Harshness of the exploitative system was enhanced through money lending. Money lending was favourable business of those Brahmans who were out of the government services. Poor peasants used to borrow money at high rates of interest. They were unable to get out of the debt trap throughout their life and would often end up with their properties confiscated for the debts they incurred.
Accession of Kashmir to India in 1947 was a result of manipulations of Kashmiri Pandits .On account of geographical proximity and religious complexion of its society, Kashmir should not have joined India. Maharaja Hari Singh (1927-1947) and some sensible Hindus were inclined towards the same direction. Even Gandhi in early thirties had predicted that on account of its Muslim majority and Central Asian Culture, Kashmir is destined to become a Muslim state . Kashmiri Pandits who dominated higher echelons of bureaucracy sabotaged all prospects of Kashmir opting anything other than accession to India. They manipulated removal of Ram Chandra Kak from the position of Prime Minister ship of the state. They invoked the attachment of Pandit Nehru (1889-1964) to the land of his ancestors. They took advantage of short sightedness of Shiekh Abdulah (1905-1982) and secured accession of Kashmir to India. Even after this scandalous accession Pandits did not allow Kashmiri Muslims to settle in India with peace and dignity. They became self proclaimed defenders of India among Kashmiri Muslims who were projected and treated as a fifth column with loyalties for Pakistan.
As soon as Shiekh Abdulah (1905-1982) enacted the land reforms they conspired against him and got him dismissed from the Prime Minister ship. The architect of Kashmir’s accession to India was jailed for years. Dismissal of Shiekh Abdulah (1905-1982) and his imprisonment alienated Kashmiri's. This alienation not only cost India dare but also ruined the prospects of Pandit hegemony in Kashmir. A process of social transformation could not be contained through Machiavellian tactics. Masses of the valley continued their march towards emancipation. Once their march was stopped they resorted to violence to remove the impediments. India instead of responding to their genuine grievances tried to suppress them through use of force. Blatant use of force didn't succeed in curbing the movement and it continues to become stronger with every passing day. Current revolt in Kashmir is nothing but culmination of an age old struggle of natives against their traditional exploiters. The only new dimension that has been added to this age old conflict is that Indian state has come to the rescue of the status quo.
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